
Chapter 6: "So here's the story..."

In the present, curiosity got the better of Junior. He started wondering out loud, "What would it be like to be a blob and then to disappear...?"

Senior started to protest, but Junior had already run outside underneath the magnet. He heard the machine whir, and then the lasers hit him. He was only a blob for a fraction of a second before he was zapped into the future.

Junior was a little disappointed when he found out that he could barely remember being a blob, as it had happened so fast. He landed, and took in his surroundings. He saw the issue with the banana, and then looked behind him. There were two people in lab coats, and they appeared to have fallen with him. The taller one said,

"Hello. I'm George Hoovey, and this is my sidekick, Reely Short. It appears that our machine was a success."

"Your invention caused all this trouble?! This was YOUR invention?" Junior was starting to get a little upset.

"We apologize, but it's not our fault–we forgot to turn the time machine off, and so it appeared to look for more things to zap into the future..."

"Time machine," repeated Junior. "What year is it?"

"It's 2236," say George Hoovey. "You have been frozen in time inside Netherspace for years. Yes, I know it seems like you were just zapped into the future. But that's what it's supposed to feel like."

In the present, Senior was getting worried. He flipped through his phone book and found SCIENTISTS -- 1-555-846-8785.

His hand was shaking as he dialed the number. When the phone was answered, Senior blurted, "There's something outside that's disappearing my family!"

There was a pause. "This sounds like our magnetic time machine," said the man on the other line. "How many have disappeared?"

"3 or 4," replied Senior.

"Okay," said the other man, "let me set a date for them to come out..."

"Come out of where?" asked Senior.

"Oh, of course, you wouldn't know," began the other man, but then another man on the other line said,

"Hey, Reely! What have I told you about telling others about our experiments?!"

"That it's your job," said Reely.

"Correct," said the other man. "So give me the phone and let me tell him."

Senior waited for a second as Reely gave the phone to the other man (who was George Hoovey).

"Okay," started George. "So here's the story..."

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