
Chapter 4: Proof

Once Brother was successfully zapped into the future, though Misses didn't know it, she called for Senior and Junior. They wondered what was going on, and Misses told them what she knew.

"Was it chance?" asked Senior.

"I doubt it. The two disappearings seem to be related," answered Junior.

"Do we have anything we could throw out there that would test that?" asked Misses.

"How about this?" replied Senior, returning with a brown banana.

"No, I'm saving that for banana bread!" said Misses.

Junior inspected the banana. "No, Dad's got a good idea, Mom. There's a yellow spot right here...near the stem, see it?...that looks like Mickey Mouse. If it wasn't there, we couldn't tell that it was THIS banana!"

Senior handed the banana to Misses. She saw no reason not to use the banana anymore, so she threw it out the door. The lasers zapped the banana, it turned into a blob, and it disappeared in a white flash.

"Okay. Now we know that whatever's going on is consistent," said Senior. "But how do we save Brother and Sister?" There was a long pause as they all thought.

During the silence, Misses watched two flies fly into a spiderweb. Both flies tried to free themselves. A spider came and started to eat one of the flies. While it was still eating, the other fly managed to untangle itself and it flew free.

That fly sacrificed itself for its friend, thought Misses. That's when she got her idea.

"I'll go," she announced.

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