
Chapter 2: Sister's Encounter

None of the Family family knew about their mysterious magnet immigrant, and continued on their business. Senior created banners for websites. Misses knit. Junior made his comic strip. Fraternal twins Brother and Sister built with their Legos. Sam looked cute.

The magnet was focused on the front door, so anyone or anything coming out of a window, back door, or garage wouldn't be affected by the magnet. The Family family had no knowledge of the magnet until a couple days after it arrived.

Normally, the mail was gotten on the drive home from school. But one day, they forgot, and didn't realize until several hours later. Misses asked Sister to get the mail. She opened the front door, but before she could close it, a strange sight awaited her.

A giant magnet. It was floating above her. For a moment, she was too scared to move. And the magnet didn't move either. Eventually she remembered that she was supposed to getting the mail. So she started walking toward the mailbox, but by the time she had taken only one step, the magnet started to whir. She was scared.

She tried running away, but she ran into something invisible. It felt like Jell-O. Then she felt something hot hit her skin (the lasers). Then she imploded, just like the car had. It is hard to explain the sensation she felt. You will have to imagine it yourself.

Then Sister saw a flash of light, and then she was in a completely different environment. She saw several other things falling to the ground. These were the other things that the magnet had sucked into the future. We have only seen two, but she saw more than that. This was the stuff that, from her time (in the present), had not been sucked by the magnet yet. But the magnet was set to transport it ALL to the future.

But she barely had time to see the view before something hit her on the head and knocked her to the ground, which felt like nothing she'd felt before. That was the last thing she knew before everything was dark...

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